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CIS Compliance


The Center for Internet Security (CIS) has developed the CIS Critical Security Controls (CIS Controls) and CIS Benchmarks, which provide a collection of best practices and guidelines targeting essential aspects of system security. These encompass secure configurations, access controls, and vulnerability management. Adhering to the recommendations of CIS Controls, CIS Benchmarks, and complying with CIS standards empower organizations to methodically fortify their systems, diminish the potential attack surface, and effectively alleviate prevalent security risks.

Navigating toward CIS compliance in the business landscape is seldom a seamless journey, and it’s not uncommon to encounter occasional challenges along the way. While the specific challenges can vary based on the organization’s size, industry, and existing infrastructure, here are some common challenges associated with achieving CIS compliance:

Resource Constraints:

  • Budget limitations: Implementing all CIS controls often requires additional tools, personnel, and training, which can strain tight budgets.
  • Manpower crunch: CIS compliance demands dedicated personnel for assessment, implementation, and maintenance. This can be challenging for smaller teams already juggling multiple tasks.

Technical Hurdles:

  • Complex controls: Some CIS controls involve intricate configurations and ongoing monitoring, requiring expert knowledge and skilled personnel.
  • Legacy systems: Integrating new security measures with existing legacy systems can be problematic, demanding compatibility assessments and potential upgrades.
  • Evolving threats: The cybersecurity landscape is ever-changing, and CIS controls need to adapt to new threats. Keeping up with updates and re-assessments can be resource-intensive.

Organizational Resistance:

  • Change management: Implementing stricter security protocols can disrupt workflows and user habits. Change management strategies and user education are crucial to overcome resistance.
  • Lack of awareness: Without a clear understanding of the benefits and importance of CIS compliance, buy-in from leadership and stakeholders might be difficult.

Measurement and Validation:

  • Demonstrating compliance: Proving adherence to CIS controls can be a complex task, requiring thorough documentation, audits, and potentially external certifications.
  • Continuous monitoring: Maintaining compliance is an ongoing process, not a one-time achievement. Continuously monitoring and adapting your security posture is essential.

THE solutions

Our CalCom Hardening Suite (CHS) enables SecOps & IT teams to manage a hardening project in an automated way without breaking server applications or operations.

Our proprietary ‘Learning’ mode simplifies system hardening by identifying and logging exceptions, easily applying benchmarks to server groups, and resolving conflicts within organizations.

Automating CIS compliance via CHS enables continuous and automated assessment of configurations against CIS benchmarks, identification of deviations and gaps, and remediation of those gaps to achieve a compliant state.

Automating the hardening allows an organization to get rid of manual tasks, repetitive configuration changes, tedious log analysis, and error-prone vulnerability scans. CHS helps organizations:

  • Simplify and expedite control implementation: CHS deploys and configures CIS recommendations with precision and speed, ensuring consistent application across your IT infrastructure.
  • Boost your security posture proactively: CHS doesn’t just react to threats; it anticipates them.
  • Free up valuable resources: Manual compliance tasks drain the time and expertise of your security team. CHS liberates them to focus on strategic initiatives, threat hunting, and proactive security planning.

Ultimately, choosing CIS compliance automation using CalCom’s Hardening Automation Suite (CHS) is an investment in your organization’s future.